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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The perfect Bond

Living amongst people has never been an easy task.....you try as much as possible to be nice, cool, respectful, generous and at the same time wanting to be respected. Nothing is more difficult than trying not to be taken for granted. Someone might mistake your actions as being stingy, disrespectful better yet pretentious. I have spent a great deal of my life on this earth trying to figure out how to combine generosity and "don't take me for granted". Not an easy task but am not gonna give up. I have lived and still live with people who do not know the first thing about  gratitude. They put themselves at the receiving end of good things and forget that one good deed deserves another.

Dear reader(s) if you figure out a way to combine generosity and "don't take me for granted", would you lemme know? Piece of advice, "ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER"

About Me

Yaounde, Center, Cameroon
I love to make new friends and try new things. I'm curious by nature and very adventurous too! and I like to think of myself as that friend who would go an extra mile for you!